1. Who was the smallest person in the Bible? Knee high miah! Top Bible Dad Jokes 5 - Christian Jokes SHARE THIS DAD JOKE ON FACEBOOK 2. What car did the wise men drive to see Jesus? Honda Accord. The Bible says the wise men all came in one accord. 3. Why couldn’t Jonah trust the ocean? Because he knew there was something fishy about it. 4. Who was the most business-savvy woman in the Bible? Pharaoh’s daughter, who went down to the bank of the Nile and pulled out a little prophet. 5. What kind of person was Boaz before he got married? Ruthless! Top Bible Dad Jokes 1 - Christian Jokes SHARE THIS DAD JOKE ON FACEBOOK 6. Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible? When Joseph served in Pharaoh’s court. 7. Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible? Samson. He brought the house down. 8. Which servant of God was the worst lawbreaker in the Bible? Moses. He broke all 10 commandments at once. 9. How does Moses start his morning? Hebrews a pot of coffee! Top Bible Dad Jokes 2 - Christian Jokes SHARE THIS DAD JOKE ON FACEBOOK 10. At what time of day was Adam created? A little before Eve. 11. Who is the greatest babysitter mentioned in the Bible? David. He rocked Goliath to sleep. 12. Did Eve ever have a date with Adam? No, just an apple. Top Bible Dad Jokes 2 - Christian Jokes SHARE THIS DAD JOKE ON FACEBOOK 13. What’s the difference between Jesus and pizza? Jesus can’t be topped. 14. Why did Samson try to avoid arguing with Delilah? He didn’t want to split hairs. 15. Need an ark? I noah guy. credit: https://sharefaithblog.wpengine.com/2016/06/top-15-bible-dad-jokes/